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Italferr S.p.A.

High Speed/High Capacity in Southern Italy: Napoli-Bari Route

Napoli-Bari, Campania-Puglia, Italy

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Project Summary


Part of the Trans European Network, the estimated EUR 6.2 billion Napoli-Bari route, commissioned to Italferr by Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, will integrate rail infrastructure in southeast Italy, shortening travel times by several hours. The entire high-speed/high-capacity railway spans 150 kilometers, with an approximate 60-kilometer section from Apice to Bovino, running primarily through tunnels, transitioning to open-air sections via five mixed steel-concrete viaduct structures, and including one stop and two stations. Italferr, the engineering company of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group, is responsible for delivering the railway and faced complex geology, hazardous terrain, and complicated tunnel configurations, resulting in significant amounts of data needing to be shared across a multidiscipline team and numerous stakeholders. To optimize planning, design, and construction, the project team required interoperable technology to manage data coordination and streamline workflows.


Italferr implemented a lifecycle BIM methodology using Bentley technology to create efficient design and build processes. To facilitate information exchange among the various parties, the organization established a connected data environment powered by ProjectWise. With reality modeling and BIM workflows, the team developed a digital component library and created 3D models for each of the different engineering disciplines. To ensure the correct geometry and positioning, the project team developed a dynamic platform to integrate the models into a federated model of the entire railway, ultimately functioning as the basis of a digital twin.


Working in the connected data environment using integrated BIM technology streamlined accurate data sharing and interdisciplinary workflows. The team was able to increase design quality and sustainability, mitigate the effect of design changes, and accelerate decision-making. Creation of a digital library of parametric components facilitated dynamic modeling, automating previously manual processes to significantly reduce overall modeling time. The interoperability of Bentley’s applications improved control over all aspects of design, enabling errors to be identified and resolved in earlier in the process, as well as optimizing construction management.

  • Italferr implemented a BIM methodology to manage data and multidiscipline workflows within a federated model of the Apice-Bovino section of the Napoli-Bari railway.
  • A connected data environment powered by ProjectWise provided team members with real-time access to trusted information, enabling better decision-making and optimizing workflow efficiency.
  • Bentley’s OpenRail solution optimized design, helping to facilitate the creation of a digital twin to be used for lifecycle management of the railway infrastructure.
  • The new railway line will play a fundamental role in the economic development of southern Italy.


“Bentley’s [digital] applications translate into inevitable efficiency in the design phase, as well as significant savings in time for review and coordination between disciplines.”

Daniela Aprea
BIM Manager
Italferr S.p.A.

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Sed pretium vestibulum placerat. Integer sem orci, auctor vitae orci in, fermentum faucibus libero. Sed sodales quis mauris sit amet molestie. Quisque nec neque at quam ultricies sagittis vel et orci. Cras in sapien sit amet magna porta vulputate. Nullam ornare gravida tristique. Aenean porta aliquam libero, et faucibus nisi aliquam a.

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Sed pretium vestibulum placerat. Integer sem orci, auctor vitae orci in, fermentum faucibus libero. Sed sodales quis mauris sit amet molestie. Quisque nec neque at quam ultricies sagittis vel et orci. Cras in sapien sit amet magna porta vulputate. Nullam ornare gravida tristique. Aenean porta aliquam libero, et faucibus nisi aliquam a.

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Sed pretium vestibulum placerat. Integer sem orci, auctor vitae orci in, fermentum faucibus libero. Sed sodales quis mauris sit amet molestie. Quisque nec neque at quam ultricies sagittis vel et orci. Cras in sapien sit amet magna porta vulputate. Nullam ornare gravida tristique. Aenean porta aliquam libero, et faucibus nisi aliquam a.